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  • Carlos Cordeiro

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    Der portugiesische Klarinettist Carlos Cordeiro setzt sich dafür ein, Neue Musik zu schaffen und zu verbreiten, arbeitet mit Komponist:innen und Künstler:innen verschiedener Disziplinen zusammen, improvisiert, studiert und spielt auf den verschiedenen Instrumenten der Klarinettenfamilie. Als Orchester- und Ensemblespieler sowie als Solist hat Carlos Cordeiro Tourneen durch Spanien, China, Italien, Frankreich, die Schweiz, Deutschland, Ungarn, Russland und die Vereinigten Staaten unternommen und in Gruppen wie Ensemble scope, Vertixe Sonora, loadbang, TAK ensemble Ensemble Particles, Argento New Music Project, Reflex Ensemble, New York New Music Ensemble, Metropolis Ensemble, DaCamera Young Artists, Tactus und dem Lucerne Festival Orchestra gespielt. Zu den Dirigent:innen und Coaches, mit denen er zusammengearbeitet hat, gehören unter anderem Pierre Boulez, Antonio Saiote, Andrew Cyr, Magnus Lindberg, Chen Halevi, Anssi Karttunen, Alain Damiens, Phillipe Couper, Larry Combs, Ernesto Molinari, Marcus Weiss, Eduardo Leandro, Friederike Scheunchen.

    Carlos arbeitet freiberuflich in Deutschland, sowohl als Solist und Kammermusiker als auch als Mitglied des Ensemble Garage und Contemporary Insights. Er hat einen Master-Abschluss in zeitgenössischer Performance der Manhattan School of Music, einen Master-Abschluss der Rice University und einen Bachelor-Abschluss der ESMAE (Portugal). Als Freiburger Doktorand am „Europäischen Doktorandenkolleg für musikalische Interpretation und künstlerische Forschung“ der Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, der Haute École des Arts du Rhin und der Université Strasbourg erforscht er Performancepraxis Neuer Komplexität.

  • Frank Riedel biography

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    Frank Riedel SaxophonFrank Riedel ́s qualification as a Music Teacher at the Cologne Musikhochschule with Daniel Gauthier preceded the completion of a Masters in the Interpretation of New Music with clarinetist David Smeyers and violist Barbara Maurer. Among many awards and sponsorships he has won first prizes in the German National ” Youth Music” Competition and in the Southwest German Chamber Music Competition and been a Scholar with the “Initiative Future ” in Rheinland-Pfalz.

    He is a founding member of the Forseti Saxophone Quartet who have been sponsored by the “Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now ” Foundation and were finalists in the 1984 European Chamber Music Competition in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Forseti Quartet has performed in Luxembourg, Holland and Belgium as well as touring throughout Germany. Frank has performed as a guest with many orchestras such as the South-Westphalen Philharmonia and recorded among others with the Weimar Staatskappelle. As a guest with Ensemble musikFabrik he performed as a soloist in “Lichterwasser”, part of the Opera “Sonntag aus Licht” by Karlheinz Stockhausen in its` world premiere performance in Cologne, 2011. Frank Riedel has attended masterclasses with Claude Delangle, Arno Bornkamp, Jean-Marie Londeix and Anthony Spiri, and the Habanera Academy in Poitiers, France. He is a founding member of Ensemble Garage and teaches at the School of Art and Music in Brühl.

  • Sabine Akiko Ahrendt copy

    sabine-akiko-ahrendt-ensemble-garageSabine Akiko Ahrendt, in Rüsselsheim geboren, lebt in Köln und spielt seit 2015 im Ensemble Garage. Sie ist außerdem Mitglied von Ensemble Contrechamps (Genf), Mitgründerin von radikal translation und PRAESENZ und spielt Konzerte mit dem Ensemble Modern, der MusikFabrik, dem Ensemble Resonanz und Kaleidoskop. Sie widmet sich seit einigen Jahren zunehmend der frei improvisierten Musik.

    Studien in Frankfurt, Berlin, Hannover und Budapest (Violine und Philosophie), seit 2015 mediale Künste an der Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln. Der Fokus als Performerin liegt neben dem mehr oder weniger traditionellen Violinspiel auf Konzertformaten mit raumbezogenem und performativen Ansatz, auch unter Einbezug von strombetriebenen Instrumenten und Klangmodulatoren (wie Computer, Keyboard, Talkbox, Whammy Pedal, Vocoder etc.).

    Sabine Akiko Ahrendt war Stipendiatin der Internationalen Ensemble Modern Akademie in Frankfurt, Kranichsteiner Preisträgerin bei den Ferienkursen für Neue Musik in Darmstadt 2006, Stipendiatin auf Pact Zollverein und erhielt den Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik für eine CD mit Werken von Adriana Hölszky (wergo). Weitere CD Aufnahmen bei Edition wandelweiser, musiques suisses, naïve classique.


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  • Yuka Ohta copy

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    Yuka Ohta PercussionistYuka Ohta wurde in Hyogo/Japan geboren. Sie ist Schlagzeugerin beim Ensemble Garage (Ensemble für zeitgenössiche Musik in Köln) und beim Ohta-Ramos Duo (Schlagzeug und Geige). Sie ist eine gefragte Solistin sowie Kammermusikpartnerin und konzertiert regelmäßig mit verschiedenen Ensembles, Orchestern und Tanzformationen in der ganzen Welt, wie zum Beispiel mit dem Ensemble Modern, dem Gürzenich Orchester, dem Hessischen Rundfunk Orchester, dem Hessischen Staatstheater Wiesbaden, dem Staatstheater Darmstadt, Schauspiel Frankfurt am Main, Dorky Park (Internationale Tanzkompanie in Berlin), dem Ensemble Resonanz in Hamburg, Klangforum Heidelberg, Ensemble aisthesis, Ensemble Interface und dem Meitar Ensemble in Tel Aviv. Als Solistin ist sie mit dem Stadttheater Gießen und dem Frankfurter Gesellschaftsorchester aufgetreten.

    Sie tritt regelmäßig in bedeutenden Konzertsälen sowie bei verschiedenen internationalen Musikfestivals auf, sowohl in den USA, Frankreich, Dänemark, Belgien, Holland, Österreich, Italien, Schweiz, Indien, Sri Lanka, Israel, Serbien, Rumänien, Polen und Argentinien als auch an zahlreichen Orten in Deutschland und Japan gegeben. Um nur einige zu nennen: Berliner Festspiele, Musikfest Berlin, Ruhrtriennale, Warschauer Musikfestival für zeitgenössische Musik, NOW Festival Essen, Acht Brücken Köln, Gaudeamus Muziekweek, cresc…Biennale, Royaumont, Darmstädter Ferienkurse, Klangspuren Schwaz, SPOR Festival in Dänemark, ECLAT Stuttgart, Berliner Philharmonie, Kölner Philharmonie, Alte Oper, Krakow Philharmonie und Herculessaal München.

    Yuka Ohta studierte an der Hochschule für Musik Kunitachi in Tokio, an der Hochschule für Musik Detmold bei Professor Peter Prommel und als Konzertexamenstudentin an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main bei Professor Rainer Römer. Von 2012 bis 2013 war sie Mitglied der International Ensemble Modern Akademie (Frankfurt).

    Sie erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen bei Musikwettbewerben, so zum Beispiel den 1. Preis beim Kammermusikwettbewerb der Polytechnischen Gesellschaft, den Takeoka Preis in Japan sowie den Sonderpreis beim Lenzewski-Wettbewerb. Sie ist Stipendiatin des DAAD, der Kunststiftung NRW und der Internationalen Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik.

    Außerdem hat Yuka Ohta bei zahlreichen Aufnahmen mitgewirkt, zum Beispiel beim Deutschlandfunk, dem Hessischen Rundfunk, dem Bayrischen Rundfunk, dem Polnischen Rundfunk und dem Westdeutschen Rundfunk.

  • Mariano Chiacchiarini biography

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    Mariano Chiacchiarini Dirigent Ensemble GarageAt age 25, Mariano Chiacchiarini won the 1st prize at the Teatro Colón “J. Martini” Conducting Competition in Argentina and began his international career, leading him to collaborate with the most prominent conductors of today, such as Sir S. Rattle, P. Boulez, P. Eötvös, I. Fischer, G. Gelmetti, B. Haitink and D. Zinman.

    Even at his young age he has gained considerable experience with a large number of best renowned orchestras and ensembles, among others the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich, Lucerne Festival Academy and Lucerne Strings, Russian State Orchestra, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Orchestre National de Lyon, Royal Flemish Philharmonic, Ensemble Modern and MusikFabrik. He was invited at major festivals and concert halls, including the Lucerne Festival, Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, Young Euro Classic, Donaueschingen Music Festival, Konzerthaus Berlin, Tchaikovsky Hall in Moscow or l’Opéra Bastille. Since 2010 Mariano serves as Music Director of Trier University, since 2009 Conductor of Ensemble Garage, and in 2011 he was named Music Director of Orchester ’91 in Hamburg. Since this year was named Assistant Conductor of Lucerne Festival Academy Orchestra and Conductor of the Young Roche Commissions Project at Lucerne Festival.

  • Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg biography

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    Annegret Mayer-Lindenberg_Kammerelektronik IIIAnnegret Mayer-Lindenberg grew up in Hamburg, Germany. She received her first violin lessons at the age of seven, however switched to the viola shortly therafter. Following graduation from highschool, Annegret studied to become a violin maker,a trade which took her to the Netherlands, where she worked for several renowned violin makers. From 2003 to 2009 she studied music/viola at the Fontys Konservatorium Tilburg (Netherlands), studying with Gisella Bergman and later Garth Knox. After being awarded both a bachelor and a master degree from Tilburg, Annegret completed her studies with a year at the Konservatorium Gent (Belgium), following the postgraduate course in contemporary chamber music.

    Annegret has participated in several courses and festivals, which include the Darmstadter Ferienkurse fur Neue Musik, Impuls Festival Graz, Klangspuren Schwaz, Ensembleakademie Freiburg and the Warsaw Autumn. In addition she has attended master classes with Nobuko Imai, Ervin Schiffer, Barbara Maurer, Dimitrios Polisoidis and Francien Schatborn. She is an exceptionally active ensemble and chamber music player and performer, her focus being contemporary music and the collaboration with composers. She plays both viola and viola d’amore and runs a violin- making workshop in Cologne. She is a founding member of Ensemble Garage.

  • Malgorzata Walentynowicz biography

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    Malgorzata Walentynowicz / Ensemble Garage

    Małgorzata Walentynowicz graduated from the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover, and from the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Stuttgart, where she obtained an honours degree in the interpretation of contemporary music after studies with Nicolas Hodges.
    Currently she dedicates her performing work to new music as a soloist, in ensembles, and with orchestras.
    She increasingly takes part in projects with multimedia, performance art, and elements of music theatre.

    Małgorzata Walentynowicz won the 1st Prize at the 37th Gaudeamus Interpreters’ Competition in Amsterdam (2009) and 1st Prize at the Yvar Mikhashoff Trust for New Music Competition in Buffalo, New York (2010).
    For her interpretations of contemporary music, she was also granted a scholarship for excellency in performance from the Darmstadt International Summer Courses for New Music. She was nominated for the Classical:Next Innovation Award 2017 in Rotterdam.

    As a soloist she has appeared notably with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Polish Radio Orchestra, Sinfonia Iuventus, the New Music Orchestra, Illinois Modern Ensemble, and Neofonia Ensemble.
    Her interpretations have been released on CD’s by Wergo, Genuin Classics, Bôłt Records, DUX and Polmic and were recorded by polish and german radio stations.
    Małgorzata Walentynowicz has performed both as a soloist and as a chamber musician in festivals and venues such as MaerzMusik, Ultraschall Berlin, Warsaw Autumn Festival, Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik, Rainy Days in Luxembourg, ECLAT Stuttgart, Klangspuren Schwaz, ISCM World Music Days, the Summer Courses for New Music in Darmstadt,  SPOR in Aahrus, Acht Brücken Festival Cologne, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, European Weeks Festival in Passau, Sacrum Profanum in Cracow, Tzlil Meudcan Tel Aviv, Cairo Contemporary Music Days.
    Małgorzata Walentynowicz performs with Ensemble Garage Köln and LUX:NM Berlin.


  • Frank Riedel biography

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    Frank Riedel SaxophonFrank Riedel ́s qualification as a Music Teacher at the Cologne Musikhochschule with Daniel Gauthier preceded the completion of a Masters in the Interpretation of New Music with clarinetist David Smeyers and violist Barbara Maurer. Among many awards and sponsorships he has won first prizes in the German National ” Youth Music” Competition and in the Southwest German Chamber Music Competition and been a Scholar with the “Initiative Future ” in Rheinland-Pfalz.

    He is a founding member of the Forseti Saxophone Quartet who have been sponsored by the “Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now ” Foundation and were finalists in the 1984 European Chamber Music Competition in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Forseti Quartet has performed in Luxembourg, Holland and Belgium as well as touring throughout Germany. Frank has performed as a guest with many orchestras such as the South-Westphalen Philharmonia and recorded among others with the Weimar Staatskappelle. As a guest with Ensemble musikFabrik he performed as a soloist in “Lichterwasser”, part of the Opera “Sonntag aus Licht” by Karlheinz Stockhausen in its` world premiere performance in Cologne, 2011. Frank Riedel has attended masterclasses with Claude Delangle, Arno Bornkamp, Jean-Marie Londeix and Anthony Spiri, and the Habanera Academy in Poitiers, France. He is a founding member of Ensemble Garage and teaches at the School of Art and Music in Brühl.

  • Nils Kohler biography

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    10469705_10204537382419649_608488798435451075_nNils Kohler began his studies with Ernesto Molinari at the Hochschule der Künste in his home town of Bern in Switzerland, after which he studied in Cologne with Ralph Manno and in Basel with Francois Benda, graduating with a soloist ́s diploma (honours). From 2011 to 2013 he attended the Orchestral Academy at the Opera in Zürich.

    His busy schedule leads throughout Europe and to Festivals such as those in Lucerne, Warsaw, Davos, Impuls(Graz), Donaueschingen and in Cologne and features such engagements as solo clarinetist at the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London, or as a soloist with the Symphony Orchestras of Düsseldorf and Basel. He is currently a member of the Ensembles for New Music Garage and Proton (Bern) and has worked among others with the composers Beat Furrer, Pierre Boulez, Isabel Mundry. He organizes the Summer Festival Chamber Concerts Biglen (Switzerland) and as well as this is a dedicated and enthusiastic teacher.He has won prizes and sponsorship with the Kiefer Hablitzel Foundation,the Friedl Wald Foundation,The Shenk Foundation, the Basel Orchestral Society and the Arts Foundation Nord-Rhein Westfalen. He is a founding member of Ensemble Garage.

  • Brigitta Muntendorf

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    Brigitta Muntendorf studied composition in Bremen with Younghi Paagh-Paan and Günther Steinke and in Cologne at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz with Krzysztof Meyer, Rebecca Saunders and Johannes Schöllhorn. During her studies she founded the Ensemble Garage to create an independent platform for musicians, composers and artists of different professions to develop new works and concert formats through the process of collective and cooperative rehearsing.

    Brigitta Muntendorf follows in her work as a composer the vision of a music that refers through multilayered contextualization to different art forms and models of expression. Furthermore she works on the translation of social phenomena into music by exploring rhizomatic settings. Her interest in interactions between the digital culture – which is based on a translation of real social needs – and the artificiality in pronouncing individual necessities are embodied in a wide range of musical setups.

    These ideas are mirrored in different music theatres she composed for the pocket opera festival Salzburg 2011-2015 as well as in her music theatres for the Biennale Munic (2016) and ECLAT festival Stuttgart (iScreen, YouScream! 2017). With her public privacy series for solo performer, youtube-performers and electronics she established the term “Social Composing”. In 2016 she realized in collaboration with Stephanie Thiersch the CITY DANCE Cologne, a 12 hours performance with over 500 performers according to the American dancer Anna Halprin.

    She received commissions for various international festivals in such as Acht Brücken Festival Cologne, Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik, eclat Festival Stuttgart, Donaueschinger Musiktage, Wien modern (2018) and was awarded for several prizes (Bernd Alois Zimmermann Prize, Carl von Ossietzky Prize, First Prize of the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne, Förderpreis der Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung and release of her CD “It may be all an illusion”, German Music Author’s award 2017). Residences in Paris (Cité Internationale des Arts), Ensemble Modern Academy (Frankfurt), at the Villa Concordia in Bamberg and Villa Kamogawa Kyoto (2017) infused her work and triggered the interdisciplinary characteristics of her works.

    Next to her close relationship to Ensemble Garage she worked with different ensembles together (Ensemble Mosaik, Asko/Schönberg ensemble, PHACE, Calefax, Decoder ensemble, Klangforum Wien, musikFabrik or Ensemble Modern). Brigitta Muntendorf is regulary invited to give seminars at different universities in Germany and Autria. She lives as a freelance composer and art director of the Ensemble Garage in Cologne and Vienna.